Flutters, Shy, Beloved
She/her, Trans mtf, polysexual or pansexual [is unsure]
Partners: Fen Hua, Zecora, Capper and Soarin
Children: Ivory Thyme, Jasmine Bliss, Fire Blossom, Okimba, Moss Tiger
Fluttershy Petal is a sweet but quick-witted Veterinarian, Animal rights activist and the Element of Kindness. Unlike some of her other friends who have garnered mainstream fame, Fluttershy is mostly well-known in a niche group of animal enthusiast and pet care professionals. She's written countless books on the topic of animal husbandry and Fear Free technique for clinic work. Her model of care is used all across Equestria now and is now a legal requirement. Fluttershy's method state using a compassionate but stern conviction when working with pets.
Her animal sanctuary is now one of the largest in the world and she employs over 60 staff. She's often asked to make presentations all over Equestria and the rest of the world which she mostly presents via Nyoom teleconferencing [Zoom…lol] as she puts the needs of her clinic first. She does occasionally appear for in-person for larger events but she doesn't like to be too far away from her family.
At the end of the day, Fluttershy is a smart and kind mare who will always make time for the people and animals she loves.
Family life:
-Fluttershy's relationship with her spouses revolves around open-communication, compassion and just playful antics.
Zecora is often the partner who accompanies her on trips and conferences. The two love to sing together and cuddle on the long trips. Fluttershy absolutely cherishes the time she gets to share with her soft, rhyming mare. Wherever they go, Fluttershy takes time to go on hikes with Zecora and collect local flora samples as Zebra wife loves to forage.
-Fluttershy and Fen Hua connect over their shared love of theatre and Opera. The other partners cannot stand it and find the whole thing cheesy, but Fen LOVES it so the two regularly go on day trips to Canterlot and Trottingham to partake in the arts! Fen tends to listen to radioplays and telenovelas when at home and cleaning which Fluttershy absolutely joins in to help.
-Fluttershy, Soarin and Capper are a part of a Ogres and Oubliettes campaign hosted by Spike that includes Big Mac, Cheese Sandwich and Discord. It's a huge event every other week and it's a big part of the trios bonding. They sometimes speak to each other as their characters outside of games. Capper and Soarin are the ones who does most of the hands on raising of the kids so Fluttershy makes sure to give them time off and take them to the spa or a nice restaurant so they don't get burnt out!
-Ivory Thyme spends the least amount of time with Fluttershy as he's reclusive and independent by nature. He's Twilight Sparkle's advisor so he doesn't really see his family all too often. When he is around, he likes to join Fluttershy and Fen Hua at the Opera as he too is a fan of performance arts. Fluttershy still frets over him even in adulthood as he's a fairly fragile little stallion. Ivory used to find this annoying but now really appreciates the attention and care.
-Jasmine Bliss demands Fluttershy's attention and is often the one in charge of her makeup and appearance for interviews. As such, when Fluttershy has a conference or is in attendance at events, Bliss will also be there. She has a great eye for accentuating Flutters soft appearance and is always paid for her help, even though she'd do it for free.
-Fire Blossom is an easy person to spend time with and is always organically inserting herself into anything her parents are doing. She's currently working part-time reception at Fluttershy's clinic so the two spend a lot of time together. Fluttershy is happy that Fire has goals and passions but she's an extremely good receptionist and client care personality. She's so empathetic and compassionate and so Flutters is soaking up the time she has with Fire before her girl moves on.
-Okimba is really close with his family but prefers to be with his moms Zecora and Fluttershy. The three often forage for roots and mushrooms in the Everfree. Okimba still lives at home so he still sees Fluttershy fairly often. Fluttershy teaches Okimba about a lot of animal care things and they often go on lighter strolls to just talk about life.
-Moss Tiger is pretty quiet and shy. She has a hard time standing up for herself so she goes to Fluttershy a lot for advice. Fluttershy spends a lot of time trying to comfort Tiger as the green kitty never feels comfortable and really struggles with her mental heath. She's often accompanying Tiger to doctors appointment as she understands her daughter's struggles and wants to be her advocate. People like Tiger but poor Tiger doesn't like herself.