Born to Silly


i got to do better line art so it can look good, but one step at a time hopefully i will get the look that i want soon

anyways what is going on, well just a few things

1: hyde DID NOT push erik, erik just got surprised and accidentally bumped into thomas and both fell

2: thomas was NOT going to hurt then when he turned into a wolf he just wanted to scare them off

so ya they saw erik and they were surprised by how he looks under the mask, and adam is there to save his friends when he thought thomas was going to hurt them (when he wasn't) thomas is surprised to see a pony so tall like adam what happens next you'll see

not much to say, i got to do the art better but I'm getting there, i wish i had a "how to do vector comic" tutorial that is pony specific so i can do well but i don't so i have to find my own way to do better

hope you like it anyways


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