Born to Silly


There is the wicked and magical

Adagio Dazzle

Adagio Dazzle is shown to be scheming, manipulative, and only concerned with gaining power and being adored by others (not unlike Sunset Shimmer in the first movie, except while Sunset Shimmer had some morals, Adagio had none). She is able to sway student opinion with ease and trick Trixie into removing The Rainbooms from the competition. Adagio also bears considerable contempt toward her fellow sirens Aria and Sonata, calling them "idiots" and generally disliking their company. She was also both arrogant and sadistic; when Sunset Shimmer confronted her Adagio deliberately emphasized both the similarities between her and Sunset Shimmer's past self while also implying that her friends are don't really care for her and saw her as a liability.

She is arrogant and vain, not viewing her fellow sirens as equals, getting annoyed when Aria suggested she leads for once, and so self-assured that she never considered getting defeated and thus this arrogance led to her downfall.


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