A full mock-up of one of [the cards](https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/985531/friendship-is-card-games-daring-do-and-the-eternal-flower) I made based on Daring Do and the Eternal Flower, with additional aesthetic concerns provided by Phil Srobeighn.
In the novel, Ahuizotl wants to use the titular flower to become, to quote him, "the only creature in all of Equestria who will LIVE FOREVER!" The last chapter even calls immortality a curse. This has some… issues in this setting.
In the novel, Ahuizotl wants to use the titular flower to become, to quote him, "the only creature in all of Equestria who will LIVE FOREVER!" The last chapter even calls immortality a curse. This has some… issues in this setting.
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