This piece was commissioned by colonelrockrits. The intention this time was to turn Ocellus into a human without the candy-colored skin and hair from Equestria Girls. They provided the following dialogue to accompany it:
Day 1: Ocellus: Um, professor Rarity…. Are you sure I’ll be good at dress making?
Rarity: Of course, darling. Just take those scissors and we can get started.
Day 2: Ocellus: Professor, what do you think of my new skirt?
Rarity: Ocellus it looks lovely. Ocellus: Th…. Thank you.
Day 3: Ocellus: Whoa. These shoes feel a little weird.
Rarity: Give it time, darling. You just need to break those shoes in. Besides, high heels are another thing to deal with.
Day 4: Ocelia: How does my dress look now?
Rebecca: Marvelous, dear! You're doing a great job with your dress. It really goes with your hair bow.
Day 5: Ocelia: I've got your fabric, Ms. Rebecca.
Rebecca: Thank you, Ocelia. Just measure it to the proper length and cut it.
Ocelia: Yes, ma'am. I'm hoping that I can make a costume one day. Maybe I could make one of a dragon.
Day 1: Ocellus: Um, professor Rarity…. Are you sure I’ll be good at dress making?
Rarity: Of course, darling. Just take those scissors and we can get started.
Day 2: Ocellus: Professor, what do you think of my new skirt?
Rarity: Ocellus it looks lovely. Ocellus: Th…. Thank you.
Day 3: Ocellus: Whoa. These shoes feel a little weird.
Rarity: Give it time, darling. You just need to break those shoes in. Besides, high heels are another thing to deal with.
Day 4: Ocelia: How does my dress look now?
Rebecca: Marvelous, dear! You're doing a great job with your dress. It really goes with your hair bow.
Day 5: Ocelia: I've got your fabric, Ms. Rebecca.
Rebecca: Thank you, Ocelia. Just measure it to the proper length and cut it.
Ocelia: Yes, ma'am. I'm hoping that I can make a costume one day. Maybe I could make one of a dragon.
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