Born to Silly


Blood Bank, to some she’s an angel bringing salvation to those near death, to others she is an angel of death bringing ruin to the Solar Cult’s most zealous of followers.

To most though? She’s that cute nurse that you never quite can get a read on, hanging around with one of the Apple girls. Don’t let her fluffy appearance fool you though. She’s still just as dangerous now as she was serving as the Nightmare’s wraith.

During the war she was known for hunting down inquisitors and their retinue, stalking them, hunting them, and tearing them apart one by one to shatter morale before closing in for the kill.

In one case she killed an entire force of inquisitorial troops who’d depopulated a small town with magefire based on a belief that the ponies there were harboring bat pony soldiers. This wasn’t true… but something as pointless as facts wouldn’t dissuade the Inquisitor from his course.

It was only near the end that the Wraith arrived, and enraged by what she saw, the Shadow descended upon the town. When the next Solar patrol arrived, they found the hundred-strong force impaled along the road into town on their own Spears, and the Inquisitor staked to the burnt church at the towns center with the sigil of the Nightmare painted in his still-wet blood.


May Faust give her mercy to whomever rouses the Shadow of Death to anger. For She will grant none.


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