griffin and the rest had to agree that griffin would have to reveal his invisibility (but as a last resort in a way if dracula does not accept regular help) of course dracula does not accept regular help due to seemingly having enough with erik and thomas so griffin had to reveal his powers because he and the rest are desperate to help edward; dracula, thomas, and erik were amazed by this and dracula is willing to help because he was curious to know more about how can a pony turn invisible even though he is not using his unicorn magic
(my idea is that there is invisibility (in the form of a shield) but the problem is that if you go too far outside the invisibility shield part of you is visible or if you get to close to something or someone the pony or item will become invisible and the pony will be startled or somepony might find something suspicious and that kind of magic is unknown and only ponies who know more advanced magic would know since it's in special books that not just ANYPONY can read and also is not complete invisibility anyways so what griffin did and what Matthew and the others helped with is something new that no pony before knew)
anyways there is not much to say except sorry for the background i just wish i can work faster yet show good quality but again this is apart of learning hopefully soon i find a way to make the comic look good and get it done on Friday or at least Saturday and not Saturday night