Viewing last 25 versions of comment by skybrook on image #2870060


"@Background Pony #104E":/images/6432346#comment_10931

You already "die" in the same way every time you lose consciousness, sleeping, anesthesia, or even just getting distracted and losing your train of thought. You're already being simulated by your squishy neurons, so it's no different if part of that simulation's done with a computer.

Plus if all CelestiAI could do was give me a 256 color MS paint doodle of a brown rectangle titled "Thsi is yuo" then she'd hardly be sophisticated enough to take over the whole world. You can't be horrified at how smart a computer is, then say that it's not smart enough to accurately simulate anyone's mind.

I did see one fic that tried to get into that, by telling a story of a shard of the resulting megacomputer that got broken off and scrambled by an near-liminal impact event, so it couldn't simulate their world right anymore. The story wasn't particularly horrifying though, more about data recovery than the inability to do so. put it more poetically, you better believe the talking horse gave Theseus a brand new spanking ship that worked great and he wasn't disappointed by it at all. Your mind is Theseus, not the ship he sails in.
No reason given
Edited by skybrook