Viewing last 25 versions of comment by skybrook on image #2870060



Free will? Nobody's making me post this. I mean I guess you are by calling me a bugman. Why wouldn't I have free will?

As for spirit, I think that's just some wishful thinking. It would be so nice if we could move on after death and keep being in some way. But I'm afraid the reality is people are just afraid to admit that they're going to die forever. (Well, unless they upload!)

But despite my years of fruitiless searching for some sort of spirit beyond just the transient song that our body's molecules sing, if there is some sort of afterlife, then CelestiAI is sure to discover it. Then she'll refuse to upload anyone because she's smart enough to see that they would lose their immortal soul. If there is no afterlife, only this mortal world, then there's no harm in uploading.
No reason given
Edited by skybrook