Born to Silly


For some of these next gen families I just roll a dice to see how many kids they get XD

Meet Pumpernickel, the oldest son of Puff Pastry and Wetzel! Following closely in Papa Pastry's footsteps, Nickel's life has been filled with baking bread from morning til night. He enjoys the simple things in life, loves a routine, and doesn't see a reason to want more. Working in a small bakery in Canterlot, Pumpernickel likes the bustle of the city without also feeling like a part of it. He follows recipes to a tee and isn't a fan of messing with something that already works just fine. This causes him to be rather stuck in his ways and not always willing to listen to new ideas, but he prides himself in being steadfast.

Meet Sourdough, the son of Puff Pastry and Wetzel! An absolute genius when it comes to numbers, this stallion loves using his skills to focus on inventory and sales, rather than being in the kitchen. He's not a fan of getting dirty or covered in flour, and is very careful to clean up whenever he does the inventory. Sourdough has so many ideas that he wants to share with his older brother, like new ingredients or ways to save money, but since Nickel is stuck in his ways, Sourdough feels like all of his ideas are stuck in his own head. Fortunately, his younger brothers always seem willing to lend an ear whenever Sourdough wants to explain an idea that Pumpernickel immediately shut down.

Meet Banana Bread, the son of Puff Pastry and Wetzel! Outside of his parent's talents and jobs completely, Banana only lives for being a big ol' jokester. He loves good-natured pranks and practical jokes, wanting nothing more than to see an unsuspecting pony's face as they're caught by surprise and immediately followed by laughter. It's because of this that he is always looking for new jokes and silly props for pranks, sometimes making his own from scratch. While Pumpernickel doesn't seem to appreciate his humor, Sourdough and Baguette are better sports about it. Banana Bread keeps track of what pranks others like, just to make sure that he doesn't push someone's buttons, which is why none of his joking with Sourdough ever deals with making a big mess.

Meet Baguette, also known as Bagel, the youngest son of Puff Pastry and Wetzel! As the baby of the group, Bagel occasionally feels looked over by his brothers, especially since they all seem to have their lives figured out. His talent is in baking, just like his fathers, but he doesn't know what he wants to do with it. Baguette loves making bagels and pretzels and works at Daddy Wetzel's food cart and tells others that while it's not a bad job, it's not what he's interested in doing forever. When others ask him what he'd rather be doing, Bagel is left with a completely blank mind. He's applied to the School of Friendship, in hopes that exploring the academy and learning more will help him realize what he wants out of life.


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