
Manehatten was her mother's home town. And it was also the town that her friend, Alure Amour, had landed the lead role as Princess Celestia. A role that her mother had once performed and had boosted her theatrical career. But Copper Charm wasn't interested in the theater. But Her foalhood friend was, so that was why she was here on Hoofington Avenue, which had gained the nickname,"theater street", since it was lined with historical and newly built theaters on either side.

But not being interested in the poster lined brick walls and lights, Copper Charm kept her eyes to the sidewalk below her hooves until stopping when something caught her eye. in the cracked cement was a heart drawn with two names inscribed and a pair of hoof prints of varying sizes.

"Sterling Ratchet….and Locket…"

Copper read the two names of her parents silently.

"Oh Copper!"

Alure's voice jerked the earth pony's attention from the carving in the cement to a poster across the street.

"We have to go see Locket's Performance! You know how much I idol her!"

she squeeled as Copper blinked at the poster and and then looked away slightly.



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