Born to Silly


TheTrippyTippy decided to write a fanfic explaining why she is an alicorn
Originally a Pegasus, TieFly has never been off of Cloudsdale. Her cutie mark symbolizes her playfulness, to be carefree yet to be assertive and take charge. (Carefree being the wings and assertiveness being the tie, playful representing the color pink) She never knew what it was like to be on the ground. She met Rainbow Dash and FlutterShy as a filly, and became best friends with them. She would always watch them fly to the ground and come back sometimes. Years passed and they would visit less and less and she felt more alone and wouldn't talk to anyone. TieFly was always afraid of the ground and never knew what it was like to set hoof on grass or land. She decided to just move on and find a new place to live and hopefully find new friends. How did she become a princess? One fateful day, Tie packed her bags and moved to the clouds in the Chrystal Empire. This is where she vowed to finally put her hooves on the ground and make some new friends. Fear swallowed her every time she would lean over the edge of her cloud and she'd refuse each day. Weeks and months passed by without her going over the edge and flying down. She felt that she had failed herself… TieFly was told by random ponies that there was a new princess by the name of Twilight Sparkle and was told that she lived in Ponyville. Tie wanted to see this Princess for herself but her fear of the ground always got to her. Years had passed but it wasn't always doom and gloom for her. She got a little famous by making rounds at comedy clubs. At first they thought her jokes were pretty lame but she grew on them! She became known as the "Silly Filly" and loved to make pegasi laugh. Unfortunately, the pegasi started acting real skittish and depressed. Tie was affected as well and couldn't do her usual comedy routine. What in the world was going on? Tie felt upset, but she knew she had to find out for herself and take charge. Something told her that she HAD to go down to the earth. The answer was waiting for her down below. She couldn't let the ground laugh at her now! So she took one hoof and touched the air. "Pretty good," she thought, "It's just like flying… Only you're falling… No that can't be right!" She chuckled and spread her wings out. Tie gulped and stretched her wings. She had to find out what was happening. Something was pushing Tie to go to the ground. Minutes felt like hours. She hovered. Soon, TieFly went from hovering to plummeting. She gasped and couldn't even let out a shriek, fear was consuming her. Tears filled her eyes and she closed them, making her wings move and she glided over the ground. Tie opened one eye… She was seeing the ground close up! She couldn't believe it! Now all she had to do was land. Tie slowed down, and lightly stepped to the ground. It wasn't grass, it was Chrystal but it was close enough for her. The ground felt like she was inside a house. Tie bucked in ecstacy, she conquered her fear! There was no way- then she felt it… the dread. Nopony was there…. Not a breath… Not a hoof step…. nothing. She turned around and noticed that everything was dark… Was it nighttime? No. A storm? Definitely not.
"GET OUT OF THERE!" A unicorn hollered. Tie looked back at them yelling from their house. She looked every which way to see what would happen. She knew she was playing with fate… her little Pegasus heart was filled with adrenaline do she didn't care at all what would happen. She trotted around curious to see what's the big deal.
"ARE YOU DEAF?!" The unicorn stopped,"Wait, if you are deaf then that means you… Can't hear me…"
"No, I'm not dead. I'm just confused. Why are you all scared?" Tie asked barely knowing what she's saying.
" If you don't get out of there… th-that-that… that THING will get you!" He yelled. Tie felt anxious… "Thing?"
"YEAH! It's got three red eyes, horrible sharp teeth and it's all black and slimy and scary and it EATS PONIES!" The unicorn screeched. He covered his mouth with his hooves,"uh oh…" There was a loud bellow that sounded almost demonic. Sticky sounds were heard flicking off of the Chrystal road. "Oh sweet Celestia."TieFly said. There it was, right in front of her… a big, slimy, disgusting beast. "RUN!!" The unicorn screamed at her. TieFly got up and flew away but the beast was chasing her leaving a trail of black slime in its path. Tie smashed into a house and heard screaming from the inside. She flew in different directions trying to trick it. Suddenly a drop of black slime fell on her snout. Tie looked up to see the clouds were black and slime was dribbling down. "What is this?" She wiped her snout… it was opaque… This had to have something to do with the anxiety and the fact that no light was being given off by the sun. Tie just knew that the weakness of this monster was light! It was too obvious!
Suddenly, she was struck by one of the monster's slime tentacles and fell to the ground covered in what felt like tar. It was bubbling and stuck her to the ground. She yanked herself free, losing some fur but it didn't matter. Tie had to find a light source! Fire! Fire gives off light! But what's flammable? How can she make a fire? Tie flew back to the unicorn's house,"I need lantern oil!" She panted.
"What?! Why?!" He asked. "And a match!" She yelled.
"Uh… Okay?" He complied and levitated a matches and lantern oil. "Now I need you to help me please… You have to strike a match when I pour this oil all around the monster." TieFly told him.
" But I… okay." He gave in. They were both shaking and horrified by the beast.
She poured the oil in a big horse shoe around the central and lured the monster into it. The unicorn lit a match… then Tie said,"Oh no… It's not enough! We have to get everypony to get their lantern oil to
" the monster grabbed the unicorn and threw him against a wall. "NO!!!"she flew over to aid him but he said,"N-no! You g-get… Everypony else to… Burn this thing down!" He got up shortly after and picked up all the matches with his magic. TieFly was able to gather ponies to pour their oil on and around the monster. "Don't be afraid! We're all in this together… we can destroy this evil thing!" TieFly said. She instructed all the ponies to work together in stopping it. They poured their oil in a circle. The unicorns chased it down and soaked the slimy monster in the oil. Tie told the unicorn she met before to strike his matches as soon as the monster gets in sight.
"NOW!" She yelled. The unicorn struck the match and tossed it into the oil. A huge fire erupted in a ring, trapping the monster and the line through the middle ultimately caught it ablaze. The monster's cries were heard and the slime bubbled down until it was nothing but a crisp. Everypony cheered and hugged one another. Tie hugged the unicorn. "That was amazing! … I'm TieFly by the way, nice to meet you." She said holding out her hoof. "Ice Gem" he smiled. They shook hooves and instantly became best friends.
A bright light shined in the distance. It's Princess Celestia! They all bowed to her. She chuckled…
"TieFly… your efforts have certainly paid off." Tie blushed and didn't understand. "W-what?" Tie had a feeling that she was probably going to be the next princess.
"Yes, you certainly showed that you are worthy of… Being the next princess." Celestia told her. TieFly was excited until…
Celestia said, "BUT, you are going to have to prove to be more that you deserve the title…. Princess of teamwork. I've been watching you for some time and I'm afraid you're not cut out for that title… Just yet, of course!"
"Y-yes, my princess…" TieFly said.
"Do not feel discouraged. Your destiny is in Ponyville, where you will meet with Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of friendship. It seems friendship and teamwork go together quite well. Perhaps then, you will be a princess." Celestia told her.
"You're going to be a princess?!" Ice Gem gasped. "C-can I come too?"
"Sure! I've always wanted to go to Ponyville…I wonder what I would look like as an alicorn-princess." TieFly giggled to herself.


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