
I’ve been trying ALL DAY to upload this, but the site kept crashing! But it finally uploaded it, huzza!

I’ve been seeing a lot of villain!Twilight pop up here and there and I wanted to contribute :3
Obviously, I don’t think we’ll get evil Twilight in gen 5, cause that’d be a bit out of character for her (I still love the theories and love a good turned evil arc), but I do think, and as many people have pointed it out, that the deaths of her closest friends would severely impact her.

All of Equestria would mourn the loss of the princess’s greatest friends and Twilight tried her best to hide her emotions in front of her subjects. But as the weeks, months and years went by, she found that even her family couldn’t fill the hole her friends left behind. It was almost as if her magic was fading within her and she felt like a walking contradiction, the princess of friendship with no friends. She tried making new connections and reconnecting with old friends, but she found that most of her old friends have passed away, were busy with their family and the new friends she tried to make were always talking to her like they were walking on eggshells. Her title as ruler of Equestria was in the way of her actually making true friends…..and she grew to despise it.

She hated how the crown was keeping her busy all the time. She hated how she didn’t have time to just talk to someone. She hated how she had this huge responsibility to protect her helpless subjects. And she hated how everyone else was allowed to have fun.

She grew jealous of her subjects, of her family, even Celestia and Luna couldn’t get close to her, because they chose her to be their successor and so she started to hate them as well. She still performed her royal duties, but kept her public appearances to a minimum. She stopped attending celebrations, fairs, even the festival of friendship was cancelled after some time. Ponies began to worry of what has become of their princess, but no one had the courage to walk up to her throne and ask. And it didn’t help that the winters were growing longer and colder each year……

Luna was the last one to try to reach Twilight. She knew the pain she was feeling, she could help her, get through this and prevent Equestria from losing another princess. As Luna explained to Twilight how she understood her, Twilight grew frustrated and refused to listen. How could Luna understand? She had her sister, she would never lose every single one she loved, she didn’t feel the ever present cold around her and she most certainly didn’t HATE everypony for being so lucky to still have friends!

As soon as Twilight yelled those last few words, a single windigo emerged from behind Twilight. This windigo was bigger and stronger than the ones from the stories. It would seem as though it had been feeding from Twilight’s hatred for years and grew with it. Twilight, horrified at what she let happen, tried to fight it off as best she could, but even with Luna’s help, they couldn’t fend it off. Suddenly, shouting could be heard from outside and as they turned to look at what’s happening, they saw an army of smaller windigos raging towards Canterlot. They covered everything in their path with snow and heavy blizzards, that even the pegasi couldn’t stand a chance. Twilight couldn’t believe what she’d done and as a final resort, she used a spell she found in the restricted section, that would allow herself to bind with the windigo in front of her. Not much is known about the spell, only that it can be extremely dangerous if used wrong. Think of it like possession, the caster is the main host, but the spirit trapped within them ensues chaos whenever they can.

The spell is performed and surprisingly, it works. The windigo is trapped inside Twilight, physically and mentally, but her body begins morphing, to get accustomed to the new surge of magic. As this is happening, the windigos outside disperse and run off, but the blizzard and snow still remain. As a final act of cruelty, the windigo Twilight is trying to trap, sets off one last spell and covers the entire kingdom, every single corner of Equestria in snow. Equestria would then be forced to live through ten perpetual winters, before the snow finally starts to melt little by little. But the damage has been done. Due to everypony doing their part to not starve or freeze to death, they are seperated into groups of three: earth pony, unicorn and pegasi. Pegasi are in charge over the weather, trying to clear the clouds and try to get as much sunlight as they can through the clouds. The earth ponies are in charge of growing food, as they are the only ones who can produce plants in this weather, with help from their growing magic. Unicorns are in charge of providing heat, as they are strong enough to haul tons of wood across Equestria and help light it with pyromancy spells.

As the years went by, everyone grew apart, earth ponies sticking with earth ponies, pegasi with pegasi and unicorns with unicorns. They started making up theories as to what happened to Twilight, with each theory putting more blame on the other two groups. When the snow finally melted, everything was beyond repair. The buildings that were abandoned, rotted from the snow and years of neglect, animals migrated to the south and ponies were split into groups. Since they had no homes to return to, they remained where they’ve been for the past years and continued to put blame on one another for Twilight’s fate.

The princess of friendship has never been seen again.

So yeh, that’s my theory, if you made it down here, thank you for reading! I didn’t come across any villain!Twilight with a windigo in the theories, but if you know of any, please let me know!


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