I have been doing a few shall we say small Anthro pony doodles in the spare time i get check my tumblr ;p. And so today i wanted to focus on creating a street scene in this style experimenting with clashing colours especially around the highlights i also added some textures i made from my own photos to add a little more depth. :)
I have never been to the other boroughs of NYC but i have always had a big interest in urban landscapes and environments. I can send hours on google maps and vimeo looking at video footage of places of anywhere in the world. =D (* >ω<). I tried to recreate those NY areas while juxtaposing with the MLP universe, i may do more Anthro art from now on.
Sometimes i have so many different style choices i never know where to go too much inspiration in this darn creative fandom. ヽ(。_°)ノ (ノ´ヮ`)ノ