
Here are a couple of new OCs whose designs I finalized while being incapacitated by the flu. :(
They live by this lake and are friends of Whisper Call; like her, they are originally from far away. They are twins, although they act almost nothing alike.

Brave Bolt (left) is a speed demon, and loves pushing his limits. Although he is friendly and generous, he can be hotheaded and does not like backing down from a challenge. He has a big ego and likes to boast, and often erroneously claims that he is the fastest pegasus in the world, although in truth he is not nearly as fast as actual fast pegasi like Rainbow Dash or the Wonderbolts. Anypony who hears him bragging often loudly corrects him. In spite of his faults, though, Brave Bolt is as courageous as his name implies and is always there for those he cares about, especially his sister.

Rainy Swan (right) loves the water and prefers swimming to flying; it is mostly for her benefit that they live near a lake. She is a terrific swimmer and can hold her breath underwater for a long time. She is in charge of maintaining a budget for their money, which they never have very much of and usually earn through doing odd jobs. She has a special interest in fashion and dressing up, but can rarely afford to buy anything. Rainy adores her brother, although she wishes he would make less of a spectacle of himself. Due to a foalhood incident, she is extremely afraid of the dark.


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