
Originally posted on: July 8, 2019, 10:58 AM UTC
> {NextGen}~ Benjamin
> Name: Benjamin Shy
> Parents: Fluttershy, Lord Discord
> Siblings: Fauna(younger sister)
> Age: 19 y/o
> Gender: Male
> Build: Tall, big and muscular
> Species: Pony/Draconquus breed
> Special Talent: Witchcraft
> Nicknames: Benny(Fluttershy), Kid(Discord, Poker face, Sucker(Fauna)
> Personality:
> Benjamin, son to the Lord of chaos and the Element of Kindness, he is a smart, studious and serious draqconequi. With a bit of a twisted sense of humor, Benjamin is a lad of a few words. Nobody really knows how or why he is so quiet, being that his father and sister are the clowns of the town(apart from Pinkie). Ben is just as powerful as his father Discord, with chaos running through his veins, he can easily flip the town of Ponyville upside down, but that would just be ridiculous in itself. Ben mostly holds his magic back far from ponies line of sight, apart from making some few tricks to her annoying sister just to embarass her in public.
> Ben is kind of insecure of his appereance. Ben was born with no wings, and has brought many questions to his parents. Though having levitation powers are cool, and the fact that he can 'give' himself wings, it's a subject that he rather not talk about.
> Relationships:
> Ben has a very close relationship with his mother Fluttershy. Since birth, he has always been a mommas boy. He used to snuggle up in her mother's wings whenever there was a thunderstorm or when winter came around. Ben loves to be around his gentle mother, helping her care for the injured animals or feeding the animals when winter needs to be wrapped up. There is genraly a small talk during their activities but nevertheless they enjoy the comfortable silences that fall on them and just enjoy the company.
> Ben and Discord is more of a master-apprentice kind of relationship. Discord is always trying to bring up the chaotic and funny side of his son, but can only bring a laugh or two from the guy. Discord teaches his son the magic of chaos and of course how to control it. Ben had a massive chaotic puberty spurt when he turned 15, and oh boy was it fun. At least for Discord. Discord has always loved his boy, no matter what. Even if his son is not interested in making teacups sing or make a storm of chocolate rain, he is still proud of his son who studies in being a great docile draconequi.
> Ben has a pretty funny relationship with his sister Fauna, who, pretty much takes over her father's hoofsteps. Fauna is loud and overly obnoxious, and often pulls pranks on Ben. When he sleeps, when he studies, when he eats, even when he is baking cinnamon cookies with mom. But oh if she want's to play that way, so be it. Their pranks can go from being fun to almost setting the house on fire. But when they are not pulling pranks on each other, they prank their parents. Just a small prank on mom will be enough and they will have a laugh. Discord won't hold back, just letting you know.
> Ben doesn't hang out that much with the mane six children, but he really has a close bond with his cousin Willow. They both are nerds over animal species, plants, and Harry Potter(Harry Trotter?). Their calm personalities make them a nerdy duo. Though sometimes when Willow forgets what they are doing or asks too many questions due to her short-term memory loss, Ben is very compasionate about it and tries really hard to not answer in a rude way when she has asked the same question five times.
> -Ben can transform himself into a pony but rarely does this as Fauna always teases him about being so short.
> -Ben has some feline-dragon blood in him and can actually breath fire, tho that only happens when he loses his marbles.
> -When little, Ben used to suck his little thumb while grabbing onto his blankie. That's why hence the nickname Sucker from Fauna.
> ~
> Finally a proper bio for this boy. He went through many redesigns until I could get one I finally felt comfortable with. He has been a pain in my but let me tell ya.
> But here you guys go the spawn of Fluttershy and Discord. Fauna is next and I do plan on redesigning her, her old ref just looks like a desaturated Fluttershy.
> The reason why I'm making bios, is because I'm finally going to start on Ben's comic. Yayyyyyy. The comic's name is "Love is Blind", stay tuned for it guys.~
> If you have not checked out my Flurry Heart comic that is in progress (it still doesn't have a name yet ;😉
> First page(old drawing bleh):
> [Next-gen~ Just smile and wave by PurpleGrim40](
> Current Page:
> [{NextGen}~ Mixed Encounter by PurpleGrim40](
> Hope you guys like it, and if you want to know more on my Next Gen in the futture, make sure to watch me.~
> I will see you guys in the next drawing~ <3


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