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Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8C0E on image #2892320

Background Pony #8C0E
"@Background Pony #3A35":/images/6453712#comment_11496
The funniest part of that would be how half of them are on the fucking sex offender registry for pedophilia.
No background checks, no siree.

"@Background Pony #3A35":/images/6453712#comment_11484
You see, that doesn't have to hold true for ponies - or any other imaginary setting. It could easily have orientation as completely unimportant thing nobody ever bats an eye at...
...but no, these people just HAVE to inject the same trodden and retrodden real-life bullshit into it, time after time after time, proving they're not after acceptance - they're after attention.

Also, has there EVER been a society IRL where homosexuality was acceptable for multiple generations, but pedophilia was not? Romans were certainly turbopedos, and I don't know of pedo levels of pre-christianization slavs, but the fact that they literally fell to a _refusal to agree on things_ speaks volumes.

P.S. Terminal updateism is also telling. What the fuck is Sunny doing there? What reason is there to add G5 characters to an independent AU but complete retardation?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8C0E