
Originally posted on: February 17, 2020, 4:46 AM UTC
> Usagi Canterhoof 2.0
> I did some updating changes to her character and I’m pretty pleased with the better quality result!
> Name: Usagi Canterhoof
> Gender: Female
> Species: Earth Pony
> Profession: Ponyvill's Cop~
> Element: Loyalty!
> Cutie Mark: A blue fire Torch with a shield.
> Parents:
> Father: Kotic Canterhoof (A Canter lot Captain of the Royal Guard, Species Earth Pony)
> Mother: Silver Step (Asian Unicorn where Mist Mane is from, Origins on there type and home base is unknown in MLP documents)
> Siblings:
> Brother: Sagi Canterhoof (Usagi's Twin younger brother who lives with her father, Species Asian Unicorn)
> Side Hoby's: Can play the Guitar and Harp! Likes to Work out.
> Pets?: None
> —————————————————————————-
> Usagi is a very head strong Mare who is a bit Fiery and mostly Serious but calm, Can be serious and angry if anypony makes fun of her! To her friends she is protective and will defend them till the end! Not afraid to risk her life and health for the safety of her friends. She is a bit hard to get along with and happy with, but if one sticks to her and respects her they'll see her true kinder nature~
> —————————————————————————-
> The Torch with a blue flame represents her passionate fire that constantly blazes and keeps Usagi going through any challenge in life! One can find such a flame both fierce and charmingly attractive. The Shield represents her will and desire to protect those she holds close to, Her home her friends her family and her beliefs. Anypony who tries to break her otherwise will find its not as easy as it looks.
> —————————————————————————-
> Her father and mother at one point loved echother very much and wanted a family. But before the two foals were born Kotic had to stick with his Duty and leave to Canter Lot to assume his position as Royal Guard. Silver Step understood this and assumed the goal raising duties on her own as the father left.. When the two children were born Silver Step tried to help Usagi obtain the proud family image of being so Mare-Like as to always listening to men and doing as your told obediently to your Stallion. And often times when Usagi's more fiery nature got the better of her she would be punished. No dinner, harsh whippings, Being left outside for the night were included… Her younger brother was treated less harshly and often never got punished simply because he was born with a unicorn horn which put Usagi at a disadvantage being an earth pony… At a young age Usagi had decided ENOUGH! And ran away from home to live out her own once she knew the basics of survival, dishonoring to her mother who now wanted nothing to do with such a corrupt child. Usagi had to grow up fostered by others. And Saji at a later time set out to find his father, which his mother told him was in Canter Lot.. Nothing more.. Of course years later Usagi Journeyed into Canter Lot to find her brother, and was happily Successful! And even got to meet her Father who was more then overjoyed to finally meet his dear foals. They soon began living happily with there Father under proper care and life was good! At one point Kotic tried to help Saji follow in his fathers legacy, but being the Joyful, Happy, Free spirited Stallion he was… Wasn't cut for wanting to be a guard figure.. When Usagi tried her best to show off to be just as grand as her father! So Kotic helped her by offering her a position as a Police officer in Ponyvill! Not what she wanted but she wouldn't refuse her fathers advise. And thus she has lived in Ponyvill ever since…
> ——————————————————————————-
> Possibly getting a cutie colt room mate to her home that enjoys her guitar skills~


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