Born to Silly


Originally posted on: September 10, 2020, 3:02 AM UTC
> Half Abyss Pinkie Pie
> Here is "Half-Abyss" Pinkie Pie. She is no longer a normal pony, she has been infected by a forbidden abyss monster blood and turn her into what you can see now.
> In her personal event, they were travelling to a destination. But due to low supply, they stopped at a continental world which already had owner. So, they tried to avoid contact with the land owner and resupplying what they needed.
> But the trouble never let them go, Pinkie Pie had been kidnapped when she and Masked Fluttershy went to search some new ingredient in the jungle not far away from their carrier. Masked Fluttershy had been hit on her head and fainted away. Until one of The Legendary Four Greatest Empire — The Saint Fidei's fleet appeared, Twilight and others knew that must have chaotic or demon appeared in this planet. Then, a bad news hit them hard, Pinkie Pie was lost and Fluttershy was injured. They cooperated with The Saint Fidei to defeat the demon and found back their best friend. (Mane 6 are ally of The Saint Fidei before this event happen)
> Pinkie Pie was awaked, she realized she was locked into a jail. There were many jails and each jail contained a prisoner or correctly to said, a victim. She could hear many painful screams and many unknown demon spoke. She knew that she was in great danger. Then, a group of demon cultists came and used a demon spell to carry Pinkie Pie to their experimental room. Pinkie Pie had been tied on a table with kind of demon spells to lock her down. Beside her is a giant unknown meat with kind of great evil sense that made her want to leave this place without any second thoughts. But she couldn't.
> Then she had been injected the unknown meat's blood into her body. She was so scared, she could feel something evil was changing her physic and her spirit. The transformation would need some times, so those cultist put her back to her jail. She suffered painful and devoured time by time. Luckily, with The Saint Fidei Angelus helped, Twilight and others found the cultist hidden place and saved Pinkie Pie and others victims.
> Lately, Angelus helped Pinkie Pie by healing her with Saint power. She finally fell in sleep, the demonic inside her was gone but her face was still in pain. Twilight and others left Pinkie Pie's room and discussed with Angelus about the new cultist. In this time, Abyss Twilight appeared beside Pinkie Pie, she used one of her tentacle touched Pinkie Pie's head. Pinkie Pie slept well after Abyss Twilight touched her head. Abyss Twilight smiled and disappeared in Pinkie Pie room.
> Next day, when Twilight and others visited Pinkie Pie, they saw Pinkie Pie had changed. She became half demon half pony. Until Abyss Twilight appeared again and told them Pinkie Pie now is one of The Abyss, one of her kind. She explained that the blood injected in Pinkie Pie was not demon or devil blood, was one of her lowest rank kind abyss monster.
> "Half-Abyss" Pinkie Pie is way more powerful and crazier than her normal form. She now has the power of Abyss which allows her not only breaks any kind of dimensions but also immune all kinds of physically attack. She even can create any kinds of things from her tentacles with her imagination. The side effect of Half-Abyss form is she easily overdo what ever she is working on and someone must stop her before too late.


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