
Originally posted on: July 24, 2020, 9:52 PM UTC
> MLP Phantom Ink Pony
> So I was doing more MLP work and this idea was birthed from the body outlines I make to color in the body!
> I haven’t figured out a name for her yet! Probably will soon
> so my backstory on her was that there was a powerful sorcerer unicorn Maybe Starswirl or not… But he was inventing a spell that would be cast on inanimate objects to bring them to life with speech and thought. Upon writing this spell down on paper with ink the spell backfired. Instead of being written to cast, the spell was cast upon the ink for which it was written with, and the ink gained life and thought.. It started small and learned from the sorcerer by adapting speech and light history as well as magic before trying to make contact with the sorcerer himself! Upon taking the form of a pony to calm him he tried to reverse the spell to render the ink just fluid once more. In anger and confusion the ink burst from the tower window of the sorcerer and ran off, never to hear or be near to him again…
> this species or being of sorts can morph itself to take the shape of any creature and gain that creatures abilities! By example she can morph into an inky looking cockatrice and turn ponies to stone, or be a large dragon and breathe fire, or become a unicorn to cast magic, a Pegasus to fly, or an earth pony for strength. But she constantly takes ink from other Aries in order to morph into big forms and take on bigger beings. She can even split and control the ink around her!


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