I went for more 1950's classic style Pinups, provocative poses, casual lingerie, garter straps, pantyshots, and windy days. Also the occasional wardrobe malfunction while someone's hands are full.
Thanks to flutterbunny76, for "Nurse Snowheart". Just prepping for a patient.
Thanks to truthislife, for "Coco Pommel". Gotta watch them doors!
Thanks to drcool13 and acewissle, for "Octavia and Vinyl Scratch". Nothing like lounging around on the phone in some lingerie.
Thanks to michaelthefiredragon, for "Rarity".
Thanks to inkscaled, for "Starlight Glimmer". Always make sure the elastic is good. Seriously, there are more than a few pinups from the 50's that had someone bowling or carrying groceries and their panties just dropping to their ankles. Don't know if that was an actual thing or an artist that had a fetish, but me. Seems right to have something like this happen to Starlight every now and then.
Thanks to yangiscool, for "Mayor Mare". Unwind after a long day of legislation.