
Third of the four ponies of the Syndrome Wonder — Lemonade Maenad family to be presented :dummy: Now only Dale is missing :D Consider the info below the offical bio of this character of mine.

Name: Lonesome Lime ("Luli")

Full name: Lonesome Lime Syndrome Wonder

Nickname(s): "Luli"

Gender: Female

Height: Rather smol :3

Body type: Very thin, but graceful

Hair: Medium long black mane that she keeps up in a sort of bun-ponytail with a rubber band or a lace (you can't see it in this picture, but it's there :D). Long, yet very thin black tail with a big white stain at the end.

Eyes: Aqua.

Accessories: A rubber band in her mane, to keep it in place.

Residence: Outskirts of Ponyville, with her husband Cordiale Lemontree.

Relatives: Overlooked Wonder (Brother), Carefree (Sister-in-law), Stendhal Syndrome (Nephew), Cordiale Lemontree (Husband), Fresca Lemonade (Daughter).

Personality: Luli is a bit emotional and quite reserved, but very affectionate to those she loves and especially tender with Cordiale and Fresca. She also loves her nephew, heals his many heartbreaks and encourages him to write poems, because she thinks he has "the gift". She is concerned by Dale's job and hobby of climbing mountains and exploring caves, but also realizes it's his passion and destiny and, therefore, she should respect it: after all, love is about mutual acceptance and tolerance :meow:. She's friends with Carefree and is always there when she needs to vent about her husband (and Luli's brother :XD:)

Special talent: Luli is a poetess. You can say that what her brother lacks in emotion and feelings, she makes up for by having a very sensitive soul. She has published a poem collection or two, but she prefers to write for herself and only reads her best creations to a selected audience (usually Stendhal and Fresca, more rarely Cordiale and Carefree. Her brother…never! :XD:). She also has another hobby, which is gardening. At home, she has one of the best zen gardens of Ponyville, and she likes to look after it and change its shape in the morning, to then sit in the middle of it with a sketchbook in the afternoon or evening and let its beauty inspire her poems.

Likes: Poetry (Duh ;P), her husband, her family, pondering, gardening, walking in the countryside, pic-nics, small animals. In this order.

Dislikes: Crowded places, violence, machismo, mainstream trends, urban life, overly modern cities, her brother's lack of sentiment, Cordiale's dangerous job. Again, in this order.

Cutie Mark: it represents a twig of laurel with two leaves, symbol of poetic inspiration.


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