
Another piece of concept art for the canceled MLP comic. This time: the protagonists.
I'll copy all the text written in the description just in case it's hard to read off the drawing file.

When my grandmother told me stories, she would often tell me, “God loves a trinity,” and years later, when I was working on this comic, I understood what that meant. Writing down the dynamics of three characters, their dialogues and their interactions, and then watching the story unfold between them, which eventually reaches its climax, is a very entertaining, albeit difficult, task. Even though these characters have been remade into something else, I still enjoy remembering what they were originally and how much they have changed, or vice versa, I am surprised that they were so well written from the very beginning that they only changed a tiny bit.
By posting this concept art, by the way, I finally reveal the big mystery, that has not been a mystery at all, all these years: the real name of my MLP OC Drawin Gamepad is Sandy Wings. Although, surprisingly, she was not planned as the main character of the comic, I still want to draw attention to it.

Sunstone Glitter
“Good evening gentlecolts, I hope you missed me, for I tried to penetrate your armory again!” — Sunstone to king Sombra’s soldiers
Sunstone Glitter is a half-breed crystal unicorn who attempts to rebel against King Sombra's tyrannical rule, often by interfering with his minions' day-to-day plans. Sunstone is rebellious and confident, She is not afraid of danger, and it is this lack of fear that prevents the king from hunting her down and breaking her spirit. After losing her family during the siege of the Crystal Empire, she vowed that no matter what, she would not fall under the king's power and free her home from tyranny. additionally, More often than not, Sunstone seems to be unable to plan out her next moves in great detail, which causes her to improvise a lot in extremely dangerous situations. Sunstone is also very keen on alchemy, she's able to create a multitude of potions ranging from common healing elixirs to toxic flasks and firebombs.

Sandy Wings
“Really? Your parents couldn't give you a more obvious pegasus name?” — King Sombra to Sandy
Sandy Wings usualy tends to follow Sunstone on her adventures, trying her best not to get too caught up in them so as not to endanger her family. Unlike Sunstone, Sandy is very quiet and cautious due to growing up under King Sombra's harsh rule. Without knowing what the Empire was like in the past, she developed almost instinctive skills for survival and self-control in critical situations. She can come up with the perfect escape plan or the perfect route to avoid danger in a matter of moments, although deep down she will panic hysterically during the entire escape. While Sandy has no shortage of creativity under her wings, she lacks the courage to fully dedicate herself to Sunstone’s cause: In almost all of Sunstone’s adventures, Sandy tries to talk her out of any crazy ideas. Alas, to no avail.

Glass Breaker
“If so, then so be it. I will be the first to break what cannot be broken!” — Breaker to Calla
Breaker is a second lieutenant under the command of General Adamant. After Sunstone freed him from the King's control, he began to aid her in her goal. Breaker is very calm, collected, and follows only his own objective judgment. He usually shows little to no emotion, and if he does, most of it is usually quite negative or difficult to discern. Despite that, he is very caring and empathic. As the most benevolent soldier of the Imperial guard he wants only what’s best for his homeland. It was only from this mindset that he began helping Sunstone with her goal of overthrowing the King when he saw that his ideal home was not at all as perfect as he had originally imagined.

In the next publication, I am posting information and details about the members of the Sombrarian Council. I hope you are interested.
As always, thank you for all your comments, positive and not, love you all a bunch!Heart


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