
Came across these while looking for some sprites for my Shadowbolts game sometime back and figure while I couldn't use them maybe someone else could. At the very least I feel like they shouldn't be lost to time on a forum. Also about their use from the artist on forum post itself (in the event those forums go down one day).

> Good time of day folks. Quite some time ago I was knee deep in making RPG maker XP games. Ah, memories… I made a lot of stuff for those too… Only now I have stepped up my game considerably and making higher-rate graphics for my project, but I do have a ton of leftovers from my previous unfinished games. So I thought: what the hell? Might just as well give it away since I have no need or possible foreseeable use for those.
> The only rule in using those it that there are no rules. You can mention me if you're so inclined to, but I don't care either way. I will be only happy if someone can find some use for those XP format goodies.
> here they are:


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