
1st page : >>2920390
page two: you are here
page three: >>2920401

part 4: >>

party 5: >>552027
page two of a fanfic me and my friend are making

I curled into a ball, trembling as I stared at princess Celestia. Suddenly, I realized that Celestia was casting another spell along with the one she was currently using, and although I did not recognize the first, the aura of the second one was certainly one I knew. My heart raced. But why would she cast that spell?! Celestia stared at me her smile gentle beaming.
“You’ll be alright, my prized pupil”
I looked at her stunned and I lost it.
“No! I will not be alright! Why are you doing this to me?! WHY?!just-”
Suddenly I saw princess Celestia’s mouth trembling and I stopped in my tracks. I watched her gentle face suddenly burst with distress. A single tear trailed down her face and landed on the carpet below. The room became obscure and the only source of light became Celestia’s glowing horn. I felt myself stiffen as I listened to Celestia’s quiet voice.
“I’m sorry Twilight, this isn’t what I wanted. However, this is your Destiny.”
Seconds away from the spell taking place.
A Plethora of light flashed towards me and all I could do was stare. As the red beams of light swallowed me, my vision began to sway. Celestia’s hair faded into her original mane colour and she crumpled to the ground. My vision began to fade as I heard the thump of Celestia’s body. The sun abruptly burst back into the sky as the last light faded from my vision. I toppled to the ground.

XD this was part two! Any thoughts guys?
Btw twilight is not dead!
Enjoy !
I used the same bg from last time \u\


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