
Artist's comment:

"I still think about that dreadful night, all those years ago. The night the sky was stolen away, and we were all exposed to the fathomless black that lay beyond. And, every time I remember the sight of it I wonder what became of all the other worlds that might have been out there. Are they drifting through the darkness, just like us? Or did my ancestors really pillage those other worlds of whatever life-giving magic they had, so we could thrive?"

"'Pillage those other worlds of their live-giving magic?'" Nahmat echoed incredulously. "What ever gave you such a notion of your world's past?"

The ocean breeze and the lapping of the waves on the beach filled the silence as Celestia considered Nahmat's question. "You'll laugh at me if I tell you," Celestia sighed.

"Not necessarily. I may laugh, but not at you."

Celestia felt an old, familiar warmth radiate from Nahmat, coaxing her to give her answer. "Gralo suggested it, as he stood over my sister and I after he attacked us."

Nahmat did laugh, long and hearty. A little too long. "Gralo was a sociopathic looser who sought to accumulate power merely for the sake of it, who fabricated woeful tales from half-truths and his own miserable worldview to break the spirits of his victims." Nahmat shook her mane out as if to repel a fly. "Gralo was a butt-head and you should ignore him."

This time, Celestia laughed too, but it gave way to a mournful sigh. "But what if it's true? What if this world was built on the needless sacrifice of others?"

Nahmat shook her head. "Your life is too valuable to spend it borrowing such troubles. You know what I see when I look at this world of yours? I see a world that, despite the absence of a natural sun and moon, despite being surrounded on all sides by boring, unchanging finality given form, is still brimming and vibrant with life. A world that, thanks to the boons of its rich magic, just may remain full of life for all eternity; a world that stares at the void of finality, and laughs in triumph a never ending last laugh!"

Nahmat met Celestia's gaze, beaming with fiery, infectious confidence. "If the mystery of how this world came to be is ever to reveal itself, it will when it will. In the meantime, cherish this precious world, and guard it against those who would take its miraculous existence for granted."

* * *

Ten years ago today, I posted the very first page of my My Little Pony fan comic, The Night The Magic Died. Initially fueled by spite, it became a story about rage itself, its delights, and its folly. I'm happy to say I've grown immensely since its completion, and feel much more complete and well rounded as a person now than I did before. Even so, I'm still amazed that people still read and find satisfaction in my story about the little ponies of Equestria, and the psychic Vroknaär detective who came to visit them. Making this piece helped give me some closure to the part of my life I spent in imagination captivated by that vibrant cast of cartoon horses, and all the adventures they went on. I hope this piece brings you all the same satisfaction.

Drawn from July 19th to August 3rd, with an Inspiroy H1161 in Clip Studio Paint.


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