> Family roadtrips, am I right? > > Though this family actually live on the road. ' > > First time drawing the full Trix'Far family. I love Trixie and Hoof'ar as a ship, and I wanted to create a little noteworthy moment with them and their children. > > You may notice something about the background. If it looks a little familiar, that's because it is a premade background that I drew over a year ago. I've used it twice before: In one of the film posters for ROTW, as well as in my DA page banner. I was going to draw an original background as I usually do, but I figured this was just as fitting for what I was going for for this scene, and I thought I'd shave off a bit of time. > > If you'd like to learn more about their little twin fillies, just click here: > https://www.deviantart.com/bear-mation/art/Lumina-Swirl-and-Misty-Moon-872461324