Meet Soor Ploom :D
She s a pony based of a type of candy we have here in Scotland, called Soor Plooms XD (basically hard candy that tastes like sour plums X))
Soor is a grumpy Scottish mare who enjoys a lot of sweet and sugary goods, along with keeping to herself X)
She enjoys a lot of fruit sweets, plums being one of her favourites in particular. She is also greedy too, she doesn't lke sharing her sweets (or anything else for that matter XD)
Despite her cynical and stubborn attitude, she is actually ver loyal towards those who care about her, and even though she won't admit it, she cares a lot about others too and is just afraid about opening up about her feelings. If you become friends with her, she won;t admit it but you have a loyal friend c:
She s a pony based of a type of candy we have here in Scotland, called Soor Plooms XD (basically hard candy that tastes like sour plums X))
Soor is a grumpy Scottish mare who enjoys a lot of sweet and sugary goods, along with keeping to herself X)
She enjoys a lot of fruit sweets, plums being one of her favourites in particular. She is also greedy too, she doesn't lke sharing her sweets (or anything else for that matter XD)
Despite her cynical and stubborn attitude, she is actually ver loyal towards those who care about her, and even though she won't admit it, she cares a lot about others too and is just afraid about opening up about her feelings. If you become friends with her, she won;t admit it but you have a loyal friend c:
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