> MLP AU: Royal Family Tree
> Key:
> Pink Line: Married/In Love
> Red Line: Divorced/Broke Up
> Blue Line: Offspring
> **Green Line: **Siblings
> **Purple Line: **Cousins
> Yellow Line: Ancestor
> Dashed Lines: Adopted
> Halos: Dead
> Numbers are what generation they are in
> **Ancestors: **Stars Swirl The Bearded
> **1st Gen: **Empress Havoc (Mother of Discord), King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia (Parents of Celestia and Luna), Princess Amore(Mother of Cadance)
> **2nd Gen: **Radiant Hope, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, Lord Discord, Queen Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, King Sombra
> 3rd Gen: (Prince) Shining Armor, Princess Twilight Sparkle, (Princess) Tempest Shadow, Commander Flash Sentry
> **4th Gen: **Flurry Heart
> I also did forget to put Princess Eris in here which is Discords Cousin