Art by https://zuckerluchs.de/ “Wha- HEY! What’d you do to her!?”
Gilda and Dash almost leap on Discord only to hit an invisible wall he mimes into place.
“Calm down mom squad! Why, if your fledging is going to be following you around, I figure she should have at least a little safety, I’m not completely heartless!
Why, you might even find her something of a good luck charm! Who knows how much help a little luck could be?” Discord taunts.
“If you really want to help, you’d” Twilight begins her speech then gets cut off with a paw
“But I DON’T. Now enjoy your fight and your feathery good-luck charm, and leave me to my evening repast.
“TOODLES!” Discord says as he blows most of them back to the next floating rock.
“Uhh….” Feather wonders.
“Go on, join the elements. Shoo, shoo!” Discord says, leaving a confused Rainy to rejoin the others, while he smirks behind her back.
Gilda and Dash almost leap on Discord only to hit an invisible wall he mimes into place.
“Calm down mom squad! Why, if your fledging is going to be following you around, I figure she should have at least a little safety, I’m not completely heartless!
Why, you might even find her something of a good luck charm! Who knows how much help a little luck could be?” Discord taunts.
“If you really want to help, you’d
“But I DON’T. Now enjoy your fight and your feathery good-luck charm, and leave me to my evening repast.
“TOODLES!” Discord says as he blows most of them back to the next floating rock.
“Uhh….” Feather wonders.
“Go on, join the elements. Shoo, shoo!” Discord says, leaving a confused Rainy to rejoin the others, while he smirks behind her back.
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