International Balloon Month daily drawing celebration continues. This was a second drawing from the 26th, so it doesn't really count for the 27th.
Fact of the matter is, hugging balloons is kinda fun and a little scary. That's not why Tap's doing it, though. She's doing it specifically for the purpose of her attentive audience. And she'll get the attention of those not paying her attention sooner or later.
Like this drawing. Don't plan on revisiting it or polishing it up anymore from its present state.
Oh. And I forgot her horn. Again.
Unrelated moment of worry: It occurs to me that most of the people I'd consider career role models or people who are doing what I imagine myself to be doing in a few years from now are generally unhappy people. Or maybe that's not the right way of putting it. Taxed? Stressed? Struggling? Seeing that both worries me with dread of impending struggles, yet excites me with the potential of what I could learn how to do now to be a few steps ahead when I get to where they were.
Or. Something.
Though if I still wanna do those old dreams, like becoming an animator, or being a developer of great games, or writing children's books, maybe I should put them high on my list of hobbies over "playing videogames" and focus on a different career to sustain me while I pursue those other things.
I dunno. Maybe my goals will be different in the next year or two, and this whole bit of introspection will be recorded yet forgotten.