Born to Silly


"Antithese's voice returned to normal. "It's over for all of you! You're all going to die. Here!" The Nasod held her arms out and got ready to use her skill until they heard something.
"Raven!" The man and Nasod looked up and saw Oleander and Fred flying towards them. And in the Unicorn's hooves was the El Crystal!
The Nasod Queen looked over at Adam and saw that he was dead. She raged at the fact that one of her subjects was taken down by a bunch of Ponies. "Adam, you worthless piece of junk!" she could always rebuild him! But she needed to get the El back! "Unleashed!" A two-dimensional monstrosity was created from code and corrupted holographic. Unlike the others, it had pincers. It appeared above Fred, and it attacked him.
Fred screamed in pain as things tore into his back. "For the love of! Hey, monkey! Catch" The demon scooped up Oleander in his claw and threw her at the Human. Oleander screamed as this happened.
Raven ran forward, and he caught the screaming unicorn with his arms. "Gotcha! You okay?" He asked the unicorn with a big smile on his face.
Oleander let out a relieved sigh and gave the Human a stern look. "I'll be okay once I stuff Fred's book into a toilet! Oh, and this belongs to you." The unicorn places the El Crystal into Raven's claw, and she quickly hops down, not wanting to be carried anymore."

An excerpt from chapter 20 of gman1311's story: […](
Be sure to check out his fanfic.


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