> Two Worlds (Birthday Art)
> A past due piece of work I wanted to make for my good dear friend [MercFox438](https://mercfox438.deviantart.com/) for his birthday that's passed.
> If you don't see, Rarity and Pinkie aren't exactly the same Pinkie and Rarity you know. In the S5 Finale (Spoilers if you haven't seen) Twilight traverses into the many resulted worlds if the 6 never saw Rainbow Dash's Rainboom when they were fillies. One world where Queen Chrysalis conquers the world, Pinkie is in a survival tribal like appearance in a rebellion with Zecora, so that explains her appearance in this. As for Rarity, she is a "nightmare maid" to the queen of the night herself, Nightmare Moon in a world she conquers… and well, pitting my friend between these two worlds has him in a double bind. ~
> I hope you like it overall in it's completion dude… and happy belated birthday. ;
> Two backgrounds have been used and credit goes to these fellas:
> [Nightmare Moon's Castle by Drakizora](https://drakizora.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-s-Castle-591089091)
> made by [Drakizora](https://drakizora.deviantart.com/)
> [Everfree Forest Background by BreadKing](https://breadking.deviantart.com/art/Everfree-Forest-Background-268961093)
> made by [BreadKing](https://breadking.deviantart.com/)
> Art© Me
> Merc Fox© [MercFox438](https://mercfox438.deviantart.com/)
> MLPFIM© Hasbro