
At the Czequestria 2022 there was a little meetup of pipe cleaner ponies. Themisto97 was there and he had brought pipe cleaner Canni Soda along which he had won during the charity auction at the preceeding Gala Con.
Prior to the charity auction at the Czequestria (where Themisto won pipe cleaner Miss Libussa as well) there was a little time to take a couple of pictures of the two convention mascot ponies together. Inspiration hit and all of a sudden there was a long series of images that could be read like a little story of an adventure Miss Libussa and Canni Soda experience together and I would like to share that little story with you.
This is part 4.

After many dangers and perils Canni Soda and Miss Libussa reached the top of the temple where bright yellow sunlight met the moonlike marble of the temple overlooking the jungle around. It seemed like a place where moon and sun coexisted in harmony, neither begrudging the other. And where the sunlight touched the marble of the temple there lay a huge silvery coin too heavy for Canni or Libussa to lift by themselves. Quite fitting it was engraved with the symbols of sun and moon and the royal sisters representing them.
"Oh dear…", Miss Libussa mumbled with a sheepish grin "…and here I thought climbing over botomless abysses and blazing a trail through the jungle without a massive bit of metal was a challenge!"

The beautiful design of the commemorative coin offered at the Czequestria was created by MesuYoru.


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