
The 3 persistent fillies continue their effort to stop the float and save Babs by running towards it at full speed while Pinkie stays behind laughing at her veggie salad joke. Unfortunately and unexpectedly for the bad apple, the timer runs out and the booby trapped float is activated.

Babs: What the?!

The float changes its direction to the edge of the cliff and Babs eyes widen in fear, knowing that things are about to literally go downhill for her. Unable to be steered away by its rider, the booby trapped float drives itself down the cliff.

Knowing it’s already too late, the crusaders stop at the edge of the cliff and look down to see Babs in the Apple float about to head into the lake.

Apple Bloom: Babs! No!

They turn their heads and close their eyes as the sound of the float crashing into the mud is heard before reluctantly looking back to see the damage they have caused.

Babs slowly crawls out from the float and she looks to see herself covered in mud, then herself surrounded by pigs, one who licks her, and finally up to see all the ponies staring down at her. Tears start to form in the filly’s eyes in embarrassment. Applejack gallops down to her.

Applejack: Babs! Are yall okay?!

Babs doesn’t answer her and slowly gets up from the mud purple, keeping her head down in shame. As Aj comforts her, they both wonder how this happened.

Sweetie Belle: This is all our fault.

Babs and Applejack suspiciously look at the crusaders and notice their looks of remorse on their faces. A new stern look appears on Aj’s face.

Applejack: I think you 3 got some explaining to do. Come on.

Babs looks to her flank, which the mud that was covering it runs off revealing to be blank, and covers it with her tail before she walks back to the farm with Applejack, who wraps a hoof around her as she walks back to the farm with her and the crusaders.


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