
Name: Lilian "Lily" Bats

Nicknames: Flower Bat, Lily Princess, Miss Lily

Gender: Female

Species: Bat Pony

Age: 18

Sexuality: Demisexual

Place of birth: Everfree Forest

Currently lives: Everfree Forest

Personality: Soft-spoken, easygoing, reasonable, "bat-savvy"

Likes: Flowers and plants (especially lilies), gardening, nature, jewelry, rainy weather, lakes and ponds, cozy music, bats

Dislikes: Extreme weather, stigmatization of bat ponies, loud noises, pollution

Hobbies: Gardening, listening to music, educating other ponies about her species

Talent/ability: Gardener, chiropterologist

Backstory: Lily has been a bat pony for her whole life. Her father was a bat guard who worked for Princess Luna, and her mother was a seamstress. When she was young, both of her parents warned her not to go outdoors alone. However, Lily refused and decided to explore Equestria for herself. However, she learned that ponies were discriminatory towards bat ponies and vampire ponies due to their perception of the species being seen as "evil" and learned about the raiding of Ambrosius' manor in Canterlot. Instead of being terrified, Lily put her hoof down and decided to learn about the culture of the bat ponies and educate other ponies about her own species. Lily's knowledge has inspired almost everyone to be kind and tolerant of the bat ponies.

Lily also became Destiny Blood's friend when Destiny reached out to her on some advice on being a vampire pony. At this point, Lily became Destiny's mentor, teaching her everything she needed to know about being a vampire. Lily was also in love with one of Destiny's boyfriends, Cheesy, but he amicably rejected her feelings and saw her as a friend, to which Lily respected.

Unlike most bat ponies, who love the darkness and night, Lily is more of a daytime bat pony. She also does things that are typically out of the norm for a bat pony, such as gardening, drinking tea, and listening to cozy music. Lily has inspired many young bat ponies to be themselves regardless of what everyone else thinks.


Since Halloween is gonna be next month, I decided to redesign Lily Bats. Looking back on her old design, I don't really like it that much anymore. So I made some changes to her to make her resemble a lily while also keeping her bat features.

Feel free to draw Lily Bats, or any of my OCs if you like! :) (Smile)

I hope you enjoy, and more art will be coming soon! Love


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