
In an attempt to assist Sunny Starscout and her friends in retrieving the Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn Unity Crystals, stolen by Aridaginatans from the Crystal Brighthouse from planet Equestria, the Federation starship USS Sunset Shimmer-E passes the Federation-Aridaginatan Neutral Zone, only to encounter three Aridaginatan Sonata-class warbirds, who engage the Sunset Shimmer in battle.

United Federation Of Planets
USS Sunset Shimmer NCC-61613-E
Rudell-class starship

Star Realm Of Aridaginata
ADWB Mezma
Sonata-class warbird

ADWB Contralto
Sonata-class warbird (Destroyed by taco torpedoes)

ADWB Nerimala
Sonata-class warbird
safe2511597 artist:jrshinkansenhorse191 imported from derpibooru3691674 sunset shimmer93676 equestria girls304247 aridaginatan20 aridaginatan warbird1 explosion3047 fight8296 food117082 force field951 gem11372 laser1330 phaser25 rudell class starship1 shield3070 siren gem2822 sonata class warbird1 space battle7 spaceship1245 star trek1446 star trek: sunset shimmer168 starfleet152 starship113 taco1754 uss sunset shimmer90 uss sunset shimmer-e5


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