
A 16-year-old wyvern, (just like Bunduki) she came from a wealthy family, but Samandia was responsible for several financial problems that involved feeding herself, wearing jewelry, and flaunting herself like a queen. Her petty and arrogant attitude was because of her mother, who since she hatched, has pampered and overprotected her too much to believe herself superior to all authority. After her father's death 15 years later, Samandia hoped to be the sole heir to his fortune, but was displeased that her mother owned everything her ex-husband owned, even though her mother wanted to share what she inherited. Samandia refused and thought to become independent to earn her own money, even denying her family and promised that she would be richer than her own mother. To begin with, she recruited many teenagers and young adults to join her in her cause of getting rich her own way; robbing banks, attacking passers-by and even extorting money from those who do business with them, among those recruited were Bloody Briar and Hoppert. The two took her to Steel Cross's Castle and convinced him to make her one of them, Before the approval of their leader, Samandia proposed to add to the army a fourth battalion known as "The Vandals", naming herself as their leader, the group would be made up of very young members who would live by their own rules and develop their potential, always under the supreme leadership of Steel Cross, who granted her request, also convinced by such idea to get more creatures to support him.

Personality: Samandia is very spoiled, uncharitative and arrogant that only likes money to be wasted, she's also cruel and haughty toward poor ones and refuses to lend a wing to their help, contemptuously calling them "peasants" or "Paupers". Despite her father's correct upbringing for her, Samandia only cared about being rich, by stepping over others's heads. She's an interested girl who tries to get Bunduki's attention, but he has no feelings for her and rathers living alone than having a materialist friend like her.

Birthday: April 9th

Age: 16 years old

Best Friends: Steel Cross, Doom, Nocturne Jungle, Marine Curse, Goryx (Savior), Berry Venom, Nuclear Star and Diamond Skull, Web Crusher, Oscura Fortunta, Yeth, Shattered Glory, Hoppert, Don Haramu, Twisted Circus, Blast Eric, Samandia

Worst Friends (Enemies): Fried Egg, Dancing Fan, Health Hero, Holy Medicine, Anchor Hook, Soiree Haunter, Professor Jolt, Fried Egg, Snowbelle TreeFrost, Jikan, Kenji, Cyrax, Morning Forest, Flaring Ash, Seabreeze

House: Celestia's Parallel castle

Abilities: Fire Breathing, Speed, Flight, Solid and Prehensile Tail, Strong Claws, Slight Strength

Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Princess Sugar Salt from Power Players

Likes: Money, Jewels, Having others as Servants, Burning Down Places, Golden color, Humiliating Others, Heists, Tea

Dislikes: Poverty, Low Class, Not having what she wants, Bunduki's Reject Toward Her


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