Personality: Dark Uproar doesn't care about lethaly harming other singers or bands, as long as he's the top musical artist, he takes seriously the competition, so he believes that to win, efforts aren't enough. He's stubborn when he decides, selfish about winning and arrogant to believe himself the winner of winners, he shows no regard about the consequences of his acts, and only thinks about what's best for him.
Birthday: May 3rd
Age: 21 years old
Relatvives: Bloody Briar (Cousin)
Best Friends: Steel Cross, Doom, Nocturne Jungle, Marine Curse, Goryx, Berry Venom, Nuclear Star and Diamond Skull, Web Crusher, Oscura Fortunta (his personal teacher), Yeth, Shattered Glory, Hoppert, Don Haramu, Twisted Circus, Blast Eric, Samandia