So with that, I welcome you all to my griffoness: Valkyrie von Wolfe. She's meant to actually be intersex, not just pure female, but the commission slot was for simple, SFW ref sheets, and due both to that and the fact that I was hoping to get it done around a rather close deadline, I decided not to be picky about that. So, canonically she does have male and female bits, but for this instance, be happy you can see what you can.
She was the child of a few griffons back in a place known as Talongrad in the Griffon Kingdom, but between her own independent streak and a love of music that really couldn't be fostered there, she set out to Equestria and came upon Fillydelphia, a place rich in not only new creatures but also a place where musical groups she revered were often set to come to during their tours. As a music-lover, she also had a desire and some fledgling skill after she'd picked up bass guitar, but she's still learning. She is definitely eager, however, to form herself a metal or rock group and sing and let her bass growl…but to pay the bills, she mostly spends her time at a basic pizza joint feeding the masses. %Concert tickets aren't cheap, after all, you know?%
Again, thanks to @succubi_corner on Twitter for the insanely lovely art and their great creativity in helping me make the griffoness who really reflects my ideal me. Go commission them, and tell them Wolfeheart sent you!
DISCLAIMER: Any and all images posted of my character ("Valkyrie von Wolfe") are NOT to be re-uploaded or used for other purposes by anyone else other than myself, including (but not limited to): Use as other personal art (especially used with any sort of financial transaction therein), being used for roleplaying or generally used as a reference image (UNLESS proper credit is given both to the OWNER — me — and the ARTIST). If you see her being used anywhere without credit (or worse, being claimed as someone else's creation), notify me either here or on Twitter @WolfeheartGriff. THIS IMAGE IS NOT TO BE USED BY ANY PERSON OR AI PROGRAM, AND ANY USAGE THEREOF WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT CONSENT WILL BE ACTED UPON WITH APPROPRIATE MEASURE.