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Originally posted on: June 5, 2019 at 12:49 AM UTC
> For Every Evil… [w/ story]
> Read the previous stories from the following images in order for context:
> Discovered — […](
> Street — […](
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~
> Well, since it's been this long, I might as well talk about my early childhood.
> I was born into a family of Tanukis, which was made up of a dad and older brother. My mom left the family soon after I was born. We lived out in the country where we had a farm that we grew our crops in. Unfortunately, I only have very vague memories of that place. We were forced out of our farmland a few weeks after my second birthday because I guess the SS needed more farms to grow enough food for their soldiers.
> Not long after we moved into Fillydelphia, shit started to hit the fan. My dad was working back-to-back shifts at odd jobs to try and support us while my brother was attending school. I spent most of my time at a day care whenever my brother was at school. To make matters worse, my dad was falling behind on rent payments, and the landlord was increasingly growing impatient. It wasn't long until we were kicked out of the apartment.
> When we became homeless, my dad decided to take more drastic measures to ensure we make it through life. He started out by stealing money from those unfortunate enough to pass by him, then later on he started doing armed robberies. Since my dad could shape-shift, it was no problem for him to escape the scene without getting caught.
> And that was pretty much how we made it through life up until I turned seven. When my seventh birthday came and went, **it **happened…
> It was a quiet evening, the sun had went down and the moon had started to rise. I was walking down the park with my dad and brother, holding a stuffed teddy bear my dad gave me for my birthday. Everything was great, until we heard someone behind us shout.
> "You there! Stay where you are!"
> We turned to see a small team of SS soldiers approaching us. My dad quickly grabbed our hands and made a run for it. After a while of running, he managed to lose them and took us into an alleyway. He kneeled down in front of us and talked with us.
> "There's an old bunker next to an abandoned building not too far from here. I want you two to get over there as fast as you can. You'll be safe there, and I will eventually join you once I get them away from you. I promi-"
> *BANG!*
> My dad froze in front of us, his eyes widened. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't run until I saw blood spreading onto his shirt, right in the middle of his chest. His eyes rolled up to the back of his head and he collapsed, dead. Behind him was the group of SS soldiers we thought he got rid of. I stared at them motionless, I didn't know what to do or how to react. Before I could do anything, my brother grabbed my hand and took off. The SS soldiers immediately gave chase.
> We kept running for God knows how long, but we actually managed to get away. We didn't stop until I dropped my bear. I wanted to go back and get it, but my brother was more concerned about our lives. I fought to get him to let go of my hand until I finally broke free from his grasp and ran back to the stuffed animal. My brother didn't want to wait for me and risk death, so he left without me. I was lucky that I went back for the teddy bear, as you'll see here in a bit.
> After I retrieved the toy, I heard shouting and multiple pairs of footsteps rushing towards my direction. I quickly hid inside an empty trash bin before they turned the corner into the alley I was in. I heard them rush past the bin I was inside of and after a while, I couldn't hear them anymore. For those that are wondering, I was only seven. I still had no idea how to shape-shift consistently. Anyways, when I thought it was safe, I peeked out to see if the coast was clear. The alleyway was completely empty. I climbed out of the bin to get away, but before I could run, I heard a pair of footsteps. They started off quiet, but then they grew louder and louder. Someone was coming back.
> I hastily climbed back into the bin, which caused the bin to wobble and eventually topple over onto its side. I froze, praying to God they didn't hear the calamity that happened at that moment. I heard the footsteps stop, silence hung in the air for what felt like forever. I felt my heart sank when the footsteps resumed walking toward the bin and stopped in front of it. When I saw the lid being lifted up I backed away to the bottom of the bin, clutching the stuffed teddy bear against my chest.
> I bursted into tears when I saw a teal blue mare with hot pink eyes in the dreaded, black SS uniform staring back at me. I thought I was going to die, but then the mare spoke in a soft and quiet voice.
> "Hey, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."
> I thought it was bullshit, obviously, but I quieted down. I knew there was no escape and I accepted my fate. I was about to crawl out of the bin, still in tears, but the mare stopped me.
> "Stay there, and don't make a sound, alright?"
> I was confused, but I nodded and stayed put. She closed the lid and I heard her climb back onto her feet and walk away from the bin. That was when I heard more footsteps approaching and a rough, older male voice spoke.
> "Find that little rat?"
> "No, this area is cleared." I was a little surprised when I heard the mare's voice utter that sentence. Why was she lying to him?
> "Hmph. Well, at least we still have the other rat. Might make a great slave one day, just needs some training and a better grasp on his ability to change shape." My heart sank. I knew he was referring to my brother. "Anyways, you can head on home. We can take it from here."
> "I think I'll just stay here for a bit."
> "Suit yourself. Have a good night, Tay."
> "You, too."
> After that exchange, I heard footsteps walk away until they faded into nothing. Then I heard Tay walk back to the bin and she lifted the lid back up. I blurted out my question as soon as I saw her.
> "W-Why didn't you tell them I'm here…?"
> "Would you rather they find you and send you off to camp with your brother?"
> I looked down and shook my head. She then held her hand out in front of me.
> "Come on, let's go home."
> I stared at her hand for a moment. I still didn't fully trust her, but it wasn't like I had a choice. I wiped the tears off my face and took her hand. She helped me out of the bin and we walked out of the alley and down the empty street together.
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~
> Yeah, this is probably the piece I'm most proud of.
> And yeah, Mel's (aka Bling's) early childhood was not very pretty.


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