
> Back to The Future
> Uhm … so you know how I said I would be cancelling My Lethal Ponies? That's still happening but here's the thing, I don't want to just throw all the concepts which I have created into garbage. So instead I will be adapting my old sketches into fresh new finished pictures, like this one. Kinda trying to make them fit into the post-Friendship-is-Magic future Equestria and general My Little Pony.
> So, this sketch I have had for some time is future Cadence. In My Lethal Ponies, I intended to re-imagine The Crystal Empire as a futuristic area. That's not really a stretch from Friendship is Magic I think. Even in the original show, Crystal Empire does have a bit of a "rural futuristic" look to it. It's quite nice I think so in my concepts I doubled down on this. This concept of a futuristic dress + exo-suit I originally conceived as a dedicated anti-channgeling outfit. The general premise is that Cadence was a bit worried about being tricked and impersonated by Chrysalis, once again not a far stretch from what happened in Friendship is Magic, so now she wears something that protects her. It would prevent her from mind-control and other changeling related afflictions. Originally, I've also created a visor for the exo-suit so that she could see through changeling disguises but now that I redesigned it a bit, I removed the visor. It looked a bit off and after Friendship is Magic, changelings are friendly so there really is no point in any sort of visor or other anti-changeling features for that matter.
> Still, I wanted to finish this concept. I admit, I have rushed the background a bit. It's not really not up to main normal standart but don't you worry, I will get back into my groove. This is simply a nice way to return back to drawing some My Little Pony. There will be more sci-fi Crystal Empire pictures coming. It's not that hard to believe that the good crystal ponies would start developing new exciting technologies and gadgetry and fancy trains and giant teleports and mass weather control and ion accelerators and so on and so on … Anyway, with that in mind, this dandy exo-suit has more practical functions, even without its original anti-changeling properties.
> For starters, she can call up her royal guards, who also have a bit of an upgrade to their armours with a nice holographic image projector. In reverse, a royal guard can also call up the princess or just bring up a holographic image of her, even when she sleeps. Gotta keep the security tight.
> Speaking of sleeping, the suit has a bulit in alarm clock. Nothing too special, right? Well, this alarm clock does NOT allow you to oversleep. Instead, it drives a nice little electric shock through your body until it detect significant frantic movement of your muscles. 9 out of 10 sleepy royal guards approve. Are you irritated by those annoying beeps which always fail to wake you up on time? Visit our nearest gadgetrist!
> Equestria might be a whole lot safer now but you never know when you're going stumble over a Hydra or Tatzwurm on a trip. The upcoming crystal exo-suits are treated with liquid rainbow. You might get swallowed whole but the monster will sure regret it once its mouth starts burning up! Crystal ponies say NO to getting eaten alive!
> Even when there are no monsters around, nasty weather can always catch you off guard. Well fret not. With your brand new crystal exo-suit, you can easily warm or cool yourself depending on your needs. Just be careful with tuning the suit. You don't want to feel like you're in the middle of a desert on a cool winter day. Also, the suit does not cover your entire body. Keep those hoofsies warm!


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