> 27th Aug 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> Phew! Finally got through this Discord and Tirek interlude.
> …And now I can't wait for them to interact again. Dang it.
> Discord: Twilight and her friends reside in a sleepy countryside town called Ponyville. It's not too far from here, as I recall.
> Tirek: I see. Clever. Such a small, insignificant place would have been beneath our notice under normal circumstances. This fourth alicorn Princess – her castle is there?
> Discord: Ohoho, no! She only could have ascended to alicornhood in the last few days at most. She probably still lives above the library. In a tree. A tree-brary!
> Tirek: And there is nothing ELSE you are hiding from me??
> Discord: Oh, I've got tons more secrets, Tirek. But no, all the important and relevant info is now on the table.
> Tirek: Good. Let us wage war against Equestria's last line of defense.
> DM: As he leaves, he casts a spell that makes your mural of Twilight Sparkle \melt\.
> Discord GM: Lovely symbolism. But is it aspirational or foreshadowing? I can't wait to find out!