> 15th Sep 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> And that's how Gen 5 got phones and social media.
> Notice: Guest comic submissions are open! Guidelines [here](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602). Deadline: January 27th, 2023.
> Rainbow Dash: So, just to be clear… This is totally optional, right? We can leave, deal with Discord and Tirek, and come back to this later?
> DM: The tree seems to be holding on barely, but it's holding on. This is a fight it can't win alone, but it hasn't lost yet.
> Rarity: Small mercies.
> Fluttershy: Hang in there, tree…
> Twilight Sparkle: It'd help if we knew in-character what we were dealing with… As it is, it's just a strange stone stree being strangled by evil-looking vines that we should /probably/ get rid of, but we don't have a concrete reason why. Maybe Celestia would know more about this? We could have spike send a scroll to her…
> DM: You COULD, yes… But she might have trouble sending anything BACK…
> Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Forgot about that.
> Applejack: A'ight, this is ridiculous. We need to invent phones or somethin', because every time – EVERY time we need to communicate, there's a magic outage stoppin' us.
> DM: I swear I don't keep doing this on purpose.