Pazazz Apple always knew that Water Lily had a crush on him and was sure to fluff up his feathers and unfurl his wings anytime she was around, causing her to be even more smitten with him. It's all romance for those two, full of sweet gestures and blushing. On the other hand, Hocus Pocus Summer Solstice and Pazazz Apple are all… flirting. You could cut the tension with a knife, and everyone in their polycule hypes them up while also tells them to 'get a room already'. But when it comes to Water Lily and Hocus Pocus, these two are simply queerplatonic besties in every way. They are VERY close with each other and are often found cuddling. So when the three of them spend time together, it's all kisses and snuggles, usually with Lily being in the middle of the poly sandwich.