
> these are my designs for Fluttershy and Rainbowdash respectively.
> I drew these a while ago and felt like sharing them. This is how I will draw them in my nextgen, which I'm currently doing my best to make atm
> Here's the general idea for them:
> Flutter:
> — Married to Luna
> — Had to get her wings removed due to the excessive damage they took when she fell from cloudsdale as a filly, meaning she doesn't fly with the butterflies like we see in the flashback episode.
> — Is the honorary aunt of rainbowdash's kid
> — As tall as Luna
> Rainbow:
> — Not with any pony
> — Wanted to make her not have a kid but I feel like she'd be an awesome single mother, so she shall have one child.
> — She often let's her friends or some of the cmc watch her kiddo
> — Below average height


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