> Dusk Shine bio
> Dusk Shine is the youngest daughter of dark Diamond and sky Flower. Younger means while she and her big sister celena were created she was magical glowing orb for longer, so now she is the younger sister. Dusk Shine is like celena quite the opposite of what she Looks like. She's annoyed with her appearence, her lack of a cutie mark and the fact that she Looks like an alicorn. Dusk is not and alicorn though. She was made with the DNA of a Pegasus, bat Pony and unicorn. She got her mothers wings and her fathers horn. She could have ended up with bat wings as well. Dusk is a really moody Pony. She's usually very Closed up and doesn't like Talking to others. She is scared that if somepony sees her they will think she's an alicorn or even a princess. She is just not Ready for someone to expect her to do great Things. She usually wears her star Hoodie to hide her wings. The rainbow hair isn't a sign for any sort of power so she doesn't really care About that. Dusk is not very happy About her sister asking for them to go to a School of friendship. She doesn't want Friends because she's scared they might see her wings. She doesn't think she is Special or powerfull so nopony should see her as this rainbow alicorn she appears to be.
> base left by [https://www.deviantart.com/cherryblossoms-bases/art/MLP-Base-42-How-Am-I-Sitting-Like-That-408932807](https://www.deviantart.com/cherryblossoms-bases/art/MLP-Base-42-How-Am-I-Sitting-Like-That-408932807)[www.deviantart.com/cherrybloss…](https://www.deviantart.com/cherryblossoms-bases/art/MLP-Base-42-How-Am-I-Sitting-Like-That-408932807)
> base Right by (cant find owner, sorry)
> Dusk Shine belongs to me
> mlp belons to Hasbro and lauren faust