

> The energy was sudden, but not overflowing. Not drowning any one pony. Each of their horns were ignited and their magic fused with the energy. Seamlessly. Beautifully captured and maintained. One with the engine and one with the mind of the machine. Aside from a few grunts, gasps, and sighs from the task force, they were still standing. Still breathing. Still ready as ever for a fight. Lifting their heads, their black visors shimmered and brought up detailed HUDs of the Mecha.
> Moonshadow breathed shakily, but slowly nodded as the information flowed across her HUD. “Central processor at 100%. Motor functions enabled. All systems green.”
> “Mechagodzilla…” Shatter Heart loudly announced. The pupils of his eyes shimmered for but a brief moment. A glimmer in the eye, that lingered and resonated and radiated a soft, haunting blue. The same color that enveloped most of his visor. That enveloped most of the cabin and the central processor. That enveloped his horn.
> He took a sharp breath in. “… engage.”
> The black wall before them suddenly brightened, and they could see just as the Mecha could see. All of the HQ brightened before them. Rectangular metal plates lining the machine’s back and tail all began to glow, as well as his eyes a bright blue. The machine's claws twirled and spun to life. The tail unfurled and rested straight. The dark rib cage was brightened all the same, from the markings scathed down the eyes and down to the arms, legs, and to the tip of the tail, Mechagodzilla began to rise. Inside, everything was stable for the pilots. No issues were to be found.
> But outside, hardly anything remained stable. The steel floor at the bottom of the mountain began to lift the Mecha up. Very slowly, very carefully, until the opposite side of the mountain opened and the machine was lifted straight through it. The floor shielded any onlookers from gazing anymore, and the catwalks trembled ferociously but remained locked in. Just as everypony, be they scientist, soldier, princess, director, or dragon, remained alive and well to see their weapon off.
> The ponies of Canterlot would feel but a tremor, a minor rumble beneath their hooves and nothing more. Then, they would go about their day as if nothing had transpired, delve in the delicacies of Canterlot and bask under Twilight’s sun for what was undoubtedly another day of peace. But their day, for how clean it appeared, was only made possible for those who got themselves dirty. Those who jumped into the fire. Those who fought back the forces of darkness from encroaching on the light.
> Mechagodzilla grasped the sides of the mountain, his head lifted high as he gazed out into the midday sun. A fleet of airships were already well on their way to the smoke on the horizon, to the east where terrors lurked and raged. Planting his feet, and at last given the green light, the machine charged up his propulsion thruster on his back, hidden under his shoulder blades, beneath his feet, and took a leap of faith with Peaky Blossom behind the wheel.
> And with Peaky Blossom behind the wheel, Mechagodzilla took flight.
> Onward to Fillydelphia, leaving every last T.I.T.A.N. airship in the fumes.

**Mechagodzilla © Toho/Legendary
MLP OCs © JDPrime22**


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