2023 Derpibooru Community Collab submission #8, done for both [superdude2075](/profiles/superdude2075) and [kendell2](https://www.deviantart.com/kendell2) (who doesn't have a Derpibooru page as far as I know, but he does have a [Derpibooru artist tag](/tags/artist-colon-kendell2)). :D Superdude helped me out with feedback throughout the whole vectoring process, so I am crediting his tag as well as Kendell's (whom I contacted on DeviantArt). :)
Fireblaze Sunset is owned by [superdude2075](/profiles/superdude2075); vector based on Starlight from >>1570416
Spinx is owned by [kendell2](https://www.deviantart.com/kendell2/art/Spinx-Redesign-858519863); vector based on Seaspray in >>1689180