
Brainstorm, one day, found a cookie jar in the shape of a pig girl. He could smell the cookies coming from inside. He removes the head, revealing the cookies inside. The moment he chomped on the chewy morsel, almost immediately, he felt a sudden weight in his rear. He wanted to look, but the aroma of the cookies were so great, that he continued eating them. One by one, he kept on eating them, getting more and more overweight.

But that wasn't the only thing. His body not only was getting bigger, but girlier. The cookies had a firm grip on him, he didn't even noticed the clothing that poofed onto him as he was eating. When he got to the last cookie, he finally noticed that he was so fat, that he could stand upright. He looked down and found to be clad in a red hat, yellow bloomers, red shoes, and a red dress with whit polka dots.

"Oh, fudge! What am I gonna about this?" He spoke in a feminine mid western voice.

Inspired by a cookie jar I found at Goodwill.


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